
Bits - A reactive JS micro framework

Only a little bit inspired by vue.js

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# What it does

Data binding and reactive re-rendering of HTML is a concept that lies at the foundation of all modern javascript frameworks like, react, vue or angular. While their component based architecture and rendering of HTML in a virtual DOM (or whatever your framework calls it) is quite convenient, it is a commitment - If you go the framework route, you do ALL HTML in your framework - no (classic) server side rendering of HTML in PHP, Java or Node for you. (Yes, I know you CAN do something like it, but it ain't pretty).

That's were bits come in handy. This library utilizes the web-component api to create javascript blocks/plugins/widgets on a statically rendered HTML page. Each block or bit runs like a (web)component in your typical framework, but binds to the real/light dom instead of a virtual abstraction.

This library aims to do three things:

  • Create a loose scaffold to structure the code of your javascript
  • Simplify the data-binding between javascript and your dom
  • Keep your head free from unbinding listeners or data when your bit/component is destroyed


This is library is designed to be used with typescript and decorators. While you could use it without typescript, it is currently clearly not optimized to run without it. If you like what you see, but typescript is a no-go for you, give me a shout, and we will figure something out 😃

# Postcardware

You're free to use this package, but if it makes it to your production environment, we highly appreciate you sending us a postcard from your hometown, mentioning which of our package(s) you are using.

Our address is: LABOR.digital - Fischtorplatz 21 - 55116 Mainz, Germany.

We publish all received postcards on our company website (opens new window).

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